The Affiliate Code - Michael Jones Is Shaking The Affiliate Industry

The Affiliate Code - Michael Jones Is Shaking The Affiliate Industry
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This is very important to understand

It is very important to understand the way buyers think. If you've been marketing for a while now, you probably understand much about this already. However, here is some special information that I would like to emphasize since it’s such an important part of becoming successful and making a fortune online.

RULE NUMBER #1: Sell things which people feel is an investment to them.

During difficult economic times like now, people are more willing to purchase something they see as an “investment” as opposed to just something else they like, but do not need. Therefore anything that enables people to earn money out of spending money will be easier to sell.

Consumers don't regard this type of purchase as a “normal purchase”, since they will be receiving value back in return for the money they spent. This seems pretty simple, but let me explain in a little more detail.

A good example of this type of item to sell right now would be a product that shows one how to “earn extra income at home”. Since this type of product is an investment in oneself and since it will “pay back” what one has spent on the product, it is not viewed as a “normal everyday purchase”. This is what I mean by “selling only things to people which they think are an investment to them”.

Now you're probably thinking, OK that's sounds great, but how do I actually START DOING all this?

To be honest, I have learned that the Internet is the best place for this. Now I'm going to explain exactly how you can use the Internet to achieve this in the fastest possible time, with results you will find hard to believe!

It’s quite simple really, just become an affiliate of a product that is ALREADY selling extremely well! Don't worry, for those of you who don't know what an “affiliate” is, I'll explain. You sell a product which isn't yours, and make a commission for each sale you generate. To illustrate the power of affiliate selling, if you earn $50 commission for every affiliate product you sell, and you sell 100 products, you will make $5000 – Not bad huh?

Now don't get overwhelmed with all this new information - it's really quite easy to become an affiliate for a products. There are many free websites where you can easily create your own affiliate program (extremely easy to do, you'll see) so that you can start selling right away! One these is ClickBank, so make sure to check them out. They are definitely the most popular affiliate selling website with thousands of great products being offered.

The key to being successful with ClickBank is to sell one of their products that are considered an “investment” to a potential buyer. This is the key to making good money online. I’m sure you have probably heard of the many “new” millionaires who have made it this way.

So start now! Earning GREAT money online, it's really not that difficult!

Did you find this article helpful? If you did, then watch these step-by-step video tutorials I've created that explain the above in a video format, with examples!

Rule #2: Make sure you DON’T PITCH your potential buyer the product. – Just give them some good tips and ways to earn money during the recession. You may have noticed I did not mention anything at all about buying my product. Had I done so, they may have felt pressured and resulted in them being turned off anything else I had to say, regardless of how good that information may have been.

Its’ been proven that by providing people with a lot of high quality FREE information, they are more inclined to purchase your product eventually. Again, notice how the last few sentences in my post read:

Did you find this article helpful? If you did, then watch these step-by-step video tutorials I've created that explain the above in a video format, with examples!

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